Sunday, February 13, 2011

Sing Pick of the Week: Chi O's Gold Rush

I have to apologize that my Sing post is delayed. I have a good excuse, though. I promise. In fact I have 29 good excuses that happened to keep me up all night long on Friday. Last semester I was a GA leader for my church here, and though I couldn't continue to go this semester due to a class conflict, I went to the lock in. I got to talk about all sorts of things like how the best place to take a nap is daddy's lap, and what it would be like to be a cat princess, and how Goofy and Mickey probably live on the planet Pluto [ok, that last one is mine and the 3rd grader I was talking too looked at me like I was crazy, anyway] The point is, sleep deprivation aside, my 4th graders are simply more important than you. Sorry, the truth hurts.

But I'm here now!!!!!!

This weeks act is from 2009. Interesting story is that this was actually the back- up theme for this group. The way it works when two groups submit the same theme is that one group gets the theme and the other gets all the music. Most of the time, however the group that gets the music forfeits because its hard to fashion a new theme around the same music. That's what happened this year. Sing Alliance and Chi O both submitted coffee themes. Sing got the Theme, Chi O the music, but who wants to sing the Folger's song if you can't have a coffee theme. Gold Rush is the theme they used instead. In my opinion its one of the best second themes I've seen. So here you have it,

Chi O's Gold Rush:

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